BonVoyage Massage
Restorative Massage Therapy for Life's Weary Travelers

About the Practitioner

Karis Amsler, Licensed Massage Therapist/Owner
Certification Chicago School of Massage Therapy; BA Theology Loyola University Chicago

BonVoyage Massage LLC is a practice devoted to providing affordable, luxurious, advanced massage therapy care. 

"It was after receiving a gift certificate for a massage over twenty-five years ago that my lifelong journey in the massage therapy profession began.  I have witnessed time and time again the power of massage therapy to not only transform pain but transform lives.  Numerous research studies have shown how a massage lasting no more than 20 minutes dramatically increases the levels of seratonin, dopamine, and oxytocin levels in the brain.  These neurotransmitters are associated with greater feelings of empowerment and contentment with one's life.  In addition, cortisol, the chemical known to increase feelings of anxiety, is reduced.  These chemical changes may be part of the reason for the dramatically positive changes in mood and outlook I have seen in my clients and the reason why I was inspired to pursue a massage therapy career.

I highly recommend utilizing massage therapy to assist you while traversing life's challenges.  My extensive training allows me to provide very effective massage therapy results.   I particularly want my clients to enjoy a serene atmosphere while receiving treatments enhanced with added luxuries at no extra cost.   My lifelong commitment is to relieve suffering through massage therapy and contribute to bettering my community.  I share a loving home with my wonderful husband and three beautiful triplet boys.  I am an avid reader and swimmer among other things.  I truly love my life and because I also love what I do, I will be happy to provide massage therapy support for you along your life's journey.  Please schedule a relaxing visit with BonVoyage today!  

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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